
by Austin M. Anaya

I hope you are enjoying your time at Barelas Coffee House, and thank you for your interest in Complex Effects!

This is a newsletter for New Mexicans that care about our environment, local economy, and way of life in the Land of Enchantment. As a native New Mexican and environmental economist, I provide cross-disciplinary analysis of New Mexicos biggest issues - like housing affordability, climate change, immigration, human rights, and more:

It’s a complex world out there, so I provide free weekly content that is easier and more fun to read than the big newspapers. I also provide actionable solutions to help solve the issues that effect our lives.

Feel free to browse through recent articles here, read more about Complex Effects and myself here, and make sure you subscribe below!

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I hope you enjoy the rest of your time at Barelas Coffee House and don’t forget to leave your server a generous tip!

Saludos cordiales,

Austin M. Anaya, MBA